ISIS dödshot mot UFC-stjärnan utreds av FBI

Amerikanske MMA-stjärnan hotad av ISIS




Den amerikanske MMA-stjärnan Tim Kennedy har mottagit hot från ISIS-sympatisörer via sociala medier och samarbetar nu med FBI för att utreda det hela.

Det här berättade Kennedy via ”Army Times”:

Apparently a couple of them were legitimate in trying to, from what the FBI said, plan stuff.

They said, ‘Are you aware of this stuff?’ I said, ‘Yes.’ They said, ‘We think this is somewhat credible. Then I said, ‘I’m kind of desensitized to this stuff, so maybe you should tell me what my level of alarm should be.’

What’s the definition of terrorism? It’s to achieve an objective through the use of force and fear. These are just nasty, evil, disgusting human beings who disrespect human life. I teach people how to live with threats like this. Who would I be to be cowering to a bunch of gutless cowards acting like a bunch of tough guys online?


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